1). Adding the product description that you provide.
We will insert your product description as provided, without edits to spelling, punctuation or grammar .
2). Product Images:
We will resize, optimize, enhance and upload 2 photos for each product. You can use the same image for both a thumbnail and large image if desired. You will also have the option to display the thumbnail as a circle or a square, and with or without a border. By purchasing this service you are certifying that you are the owner of or have permission to use the images that you have submitted.
3). Adding Meta Data:
Meta descriptions and keywords are used to help search engines index your website. We will use the information from the product descriptions that you provide to supply 5 keywords and a short meta description, unless you provide us with the keywords and meta descriptions that you would like to use.
* { here is a link with more information on how search engines utilize meta data....
http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=70897 }
4). Product Options:
If you are selling products that are available in more than one color, size, style etc. we can add up to 3 options for you. There is an additional charge for more than 3 options.
5). Inventory:
If you are selling products that are one of a kind or need to keep track of the amount of inventory that you have in stock we can set up your cart to list how many of each item that you have in stock, and to remove inventory from the catalog as it's sold.
6). Categories:
To help your customers find your products it is a good idea to separate them into specific categories, such as 'shoes', 'pants', blouses' etc. We will create the categories that you need, as well as add an image to the category page and/or description if desired.
7). Monthly Maintenance Package:
If you have purchased the Complete Maintenance Package you are eligible to receive monthly website product maintenance at a discounted rate.
Once you have purchased a product entry service we will contact you to set a time to install your products and to gather the information that we need from you to get the process started. We can usually have most products entry installations completed within 5 business days. If you need a rush order we can schedule a time during the evening or on a Saturday but there will be an additional $25.00 after hours fee.